Tyler Spalding, CEO / Co-Founder, Flexa, 2Chainz and Zack Seward, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, CoinDesk

What Is Block Finality in Crypto?

[ad_1] Ideally, once a transaction has been corectly processed in a financial system, the chance of it being reversed should be slim to none. However, this isn’t usually the case in traditional finance. Blockchain systems,

Laura Shin

What Is the ERC-7265 Token Standard?

[ad_1] Decentralized finance (DeFi) has grown significantly and has become an integral part of the global crypto markets. However, its continued growth heavily depends on how secure the technology is against attacks. According to data

(Beth Macdonald/Unsplash)

A Beginner’s Guide to AI Tokens

[ad_1] The Oasis Network uses a token-incentivized architecture to enable privacy-preserving AI computations on blockchain. ROSE tokens, which have a market cap of $567M at the time of writing, coordinate the network of nodes, providing

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Gary Gensler’s Bitcoin ETF Clown Show

[ad_1] Moreover, Gensler doesn’t sound particularly “merit neutral” (which is how the SEC describes its role in regulating markets) when drawing a comparison between bitcoin and gold, saying one is a commodity with industrial and