Universal Privacy Alliance Names Amelia Andersdotter as Interim Director

Portrait of Amelia Andersdotter, new interim director of the Universal Privacy Alliance, promoting digital privacy.

Universal Privacy Alliance Appoints Amelia Andersdotter as Interim Director

The Universal Privacy Alliance officially appointed Amelia Andersdotter as its interim director. Andersdotter, an avid activist when it comes to the privacy of the internet, and former Member of the European Parliament, will be working to make the organization more robust in its aims for privacy-centric technologies.

UPA Mission: To make Privacy Technologies stronger

UPA, officially incorporated in 2023, unites major Web3 market players: Nym Technologies, Protocol Labs Network, Filecoin Foundation, Oasis, and Aztec. The main mission of this coalition is to defend digital privacy and the security of online interaction. At its core, core guiding principles such as “privacy by design” drive this initiative, wherein platforms are engineered to make users’ privacy a default mode.

With regulatory frameworks such as the EU’s eIDAS and the Digital Services Act taking effect on the sector of Web3, UPA’s advocacy of privacy becomes ever so important. The alliance works to ensure personal data is neither exploited nor under unnecessary surveillance.

Andersdotter’s Leadership and Vision

Amelia Andersdotter has been a long-time advocate of privacy. A former Pirate Party representative in the European Parliament, she gained prominence for her opposition to the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, commonly known as ACTA. That controversial agreement was basically put to a stop because of her activism, which many viewed as a threat to online privacy and digital rights. Since then, Andersdotter has continued her work within the domains of privacy research and policy advocacy.

In this new position, Andersdotter will lead UPA in its ambition to grow in influence teaching politicians about issues of privacy, offering legal resources and establishing a defense fund to protect rights to privacy.


In the Future: What’s Next for UPA

Under Andersdotter’s leadership, UPA is uniquely positioned to be at the forefront of shaping the future of digital privacy. With the global rise of privacy concerns, the alliance will continue to advocate for technology development that shields people against data exploitation and surveillance. The organization’s work in this domain will help strike a balance between innovation and the need for privacy in the Web3 world.
